Sunday, 29 September 2013


                         basic infomation

How to be a manga artist?, i here YOU ask,well your in luck this blog will present the easiest way to become a confident manga artist and i can give little tips for anime as well.If you haven't noticed manga and anime are usually in cartoons and some books.It originates from japan and it is a big part of civilization there.Things like Naruto(the picture above)Dragon Ball Z,Bleach,shaman king,beyblade and yu-gi-oh are good examples of what manga looks like.
use this web address to see for yourself>

                                 getting started   

To become a manga and anime artist you need to know how to draw the motion(meaning movement),design and body placement because that is the easiest part of the drawing but always start with the face because it is the hardest part and also because when you draw the face it is easier to decide how to draw the body meaning in size and so the body doesn't look out of proportion.In manga you use shading a lot which in my opinion gives it a more professional look

Finishing Touches

                               In manga the finishing touches are facial expressions and facial features.This gives manga the spark which separates manga from ordinary drawings.look at the picture above that is just some designs of how to draw manga eyes.Stuff like angry marks,steaming ears and confused marks.See web address to see more> affeal=N&tab=wi&ei=__lHUunKH5GWswbp8oHYAQ#es_sm=122&hl=en&q=manga+faces&tbm=isch&um=1&imgdii=_

                                                      special effects

The special effects in manga are shading and highlight.This gives manga a more cartoon look and makes it more professional look evan though it is a cartoon.Lots of manga artist use this technique to adapt and improve their works of art .When using highlights it shows the ups and downs to what the person feels and it looks good in background pictures because of shadows 


To conclude i hope my steps to success of being a manga star helped you become a manga star like myself and in future you will be able to draw things beyond your wildest dreams.There are more manga blogs if you would want to see more.I would recomend you to still use picture to use as templates until you feel confident with drawing your own.